This movie sucks big donkey balls. It’s nothing more than a contrived vehicle to get from one Beatles song to the next. They even named the main characters Jude and Lucy!! Gimme a break. What’s worse is that the performers CAN’T EVEN SING!!! They’re off pitch and seem to miss notes…frequently. Moreover, the producers got the bright idea of changing the songs to make them, perhaps, more contemporary friendly. Look, I’m more of a Stones fan, but even I know that you just don’t mess with the Beatles. I don’t particularly like musicals to begin with, but this one is just a disaster. The visuals aren’t even that compelling, which is apparently what they tried to market it on (since they ruined the songs, botched the writing, and hired actors who look better than they can sing, which, believe me, says a lot!). CRAP, CRAP, CRAP. Do not rent it, NetFlix it, OnDemand it or even watch it if it happens to be on cable. You’re better off with reruns of Full House. The wife and I watched it On Demand, and both really wanted to blow our brains out after ten minutes.
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