Thursday, August 13, 2009

Children of Men

I’m a Sci-Fi buff, so bear with me, but this movie is very good. It illustrates a chilling, not to distant future in which the human race loses the ability to reproduce. It’s incredibly real and terrifying, and the film does a good job exploring the possible social and cultural breakdowns that could occur under such circumstances. Don’t get me wrong, it has some cheesy moments (parts of the end are a bit on the contrived side), but they are very few and far between. The movie is also extremely violent, which didn’t at all bother me, but be warned. The performances are pretty good. Michael Caine is terrific, playing a character well outside his typical upper-class, elitist Englishman comfort zone. Clive Owen is good as usual, though he seems to play the same character in everything I see him in: sort of a dreary, dark, almost mopey intellectual who stands in between the fringe and mainstream of society. Regardless, he always pulls it off and makes it interesting, and this film is no exception. Obviously, this one isn’t in theatres anymore, but I recommend checking it out via NetFlix or OnDemand. It’s pretty hardcore, but intellectually compelling and frightening…very intense.

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About Me

After graduating from the University of Texas Austin in 2000 with a degree in Radio-Television-Film, I spent five unsuccessful years in LA trying to make my way as a film/video FCP editor. After eventually coming to terms with failure (or defeat), I decided I’d try something else: law school. So, after completing my second year of study, I felt that I should try to do something a little more creative to balance out all the analytical thinking going on in my head. Smokin’ Joe’s in the MOW is the result of that effort. There’s an old joke that goes, “what do you call someone who desperately wants to be in a band, but sucks at guitar: a music critic.” I guess that's now me. While perhaps this all seems quite self-loathing, I fell it grants me the freedom to say just about whatever I feel like about OTHER people's creative efforts. While I have great respect for those with enough courage to go out and attempt to make films, sometimes you gotta call 'em as you see 'em. Cheers!