Not a real winner, but not exactly a complete dookie-shooter either. I saw it via one of those “What would you like to watch, honey,” kind of On Demand compromises that occur far too often in my house. While mildly amusing, I feel like they banged out the script in about 72 hours. Meh, it really could have been worse, I guess. It’s pretty standard Vince Vaughn/Jon Favreau fare here, though after nearly fifteen years, it’s starting to get a little played out. Hey, they mixed it up this time: Jon Favreau is the bad influence, and Vince Vaughn is the good guy. Holy crap, hold on to your horses, folks!! Look, clearly I’m being too hard on them; I just know that their talents and abilities far surpass what they did here. And honestly, I did have a couple (get it, a “couple???”…never mind) of good laughs throughout the film. If you’re looking for some easy, mindless quasi-comedy with shaky writing, then give it a spin. Just don’t go in expecting a laugh a minute a la Swingers, as I’m sure no one would. And, finally, Malin Ã…kerman is still hot.